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2025能用的免费v p n

2025能用的免费v p n
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2025能用的免费v p n
Our most appreciated point of strength: thanks to highly flexible production processes, we have been able to cut on delivery times by more than 50% during the past years, and are the fastest and most punctual aluminium extrusion die makers on the market.
2025能用的免费v p n
We have dedicated 5 persons to Research and Development of new strategies for aluminium extrusion die design and production, committed to the continuous improvement of or the quality of our products and service.
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We have developed a continuous partenership with top European heat treatment, nitriding and steel suppliers for special steels and for 1.2343, 1.2344, 1.2329, 1.2714.
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Customised delivery times
It’s a matter of days.
Unparalleled technical support
Either pre- and after- sales.
2025能用的免费v p n
We’ve got the top aluminium extrusion die designers in the market, and we’re ready to take on any profile production challenge that you may have.
Production cost reduction, zero trials in press,
extrusion simulation for die design optimisation:
let’s start cooperating, and transform the art of aluminium extrusion into a science.

Tommaso Pinter
Sales Director

Nicola Cividini
Sales Manager

Alberto Ubbiali
Sales Manager

Riccardo Pinter
Sales & Planning

Specific experience in hard alloys (7003- 7005-7020-7075)
and indirect presses for aerospace applications.
2025能用的免费v p n
Aluminium extrusion dies & tools
Related services
Software solutions
R&D leadership acknowledged by an International market
Extrusion simulation aided die design
Continuous investments in production technologies’ innovation
Avant-garde die shops with state-of-the-art machinery
Transparency & financial stability
Strong commintment to Health, Safety & Environmental values